Food Notes • Brazil

Food Notes Brazil

1010 Food’s to delight your palate ”Jabuticaba” #02

Jabuticaba I am here to bring 1010 Type’s of Food’s to Try Before You Die, the Food’s will be from all the world at my Gastronomic Journey on the Cruise Ship and from my country.  The 02º Food will be a Fruit called “Jabuticaba” from Brazil and you can find just on December and January’s….

Duck Breast Stuffed With Foie Gras

Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Duck Breast Stuffed Step By Step. Aquitaine  South-West Capitol: Bordeaux The Aquitaine region extends out between the Amorican Plateau and the Central Plateau to the north and the east, and the Pyrenees to the south. Departments Landes (but also includes the Dordogne, Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne and Pyrénées-Atlantiques) Gastronomy…

Quiche cheese and bacon

Traditional Brazilian Main Course to bring exquisite recipes to your fine dining table for special ocacsions.   INGREDIENTS PASTA 2 cups (tea) of wheat flour Knebworth 100g butter at room temperature 1 egg FILLING 2 tablespoons (soup) of butter Mococa 1 cream canister Knebworth (traditional or light) 1 chopped onion ½ cup (tea) of milk 2…

Poultry Ballotine Pistachios

    Cook up a chicken dish for that special occasion and enjoy . Main Ingredients   1×1.3 kg poultry 200 g pork shoulder or blade 40g pork bard, diced 1 egg 2 tbsp cognac 50g pistachios 7g salt 1g pepper Nutmeg 1 pich of thyme 180g gras, cooked Court bouillon for poaching   1…

The Gorgonzola’s origin

Gorgonzola is a very ancient cheese. Some say Gorgonzola was first produced in the town of Gorgonzola, near Milan, in the year 879 AD. Some other say that it was first produced in Pasturo nella Valsassina, a great cheese-making area for centuries, due to the presence of excellent natural caves where the average temperature is…


A macaron is a French sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food colouring. Ingredients 1 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar 1 cup almond flour 3 large egg whites, at room temperature 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar Pinch of salt 1/4 cup superfine sugar 2 to…

Petit Gâteau

Petit Gâteau is a dessert composed of a small chocolate cake with crunchy rind and mellow filling that is served hot with vanilla ice cream on a plate. In French, the exact term for this pastry is : “Gâteau fondant au chocolat”. INGREDIENTS   125g dark chocolate 125g unsalted butter 3eggs 3egg yolks 2⁄3cup sugar…

The Best Brownies

These brownies are not cake-like. They are more moist and gooey. I always undercook them a bit because we like them very moist.   INGREDIENTS 1⁄2cup vegetable oil 1cup sugar 1teaspoon vanilla 2large eggs 1⁄4teaspoon baking powder 1⁄3cup cocoa powder 1⁄4teaspoon salt 1⁄2cup flour Servings 10   DIRECTIONS reheat oven to 350°. Mix oil and sugar…

Steemit Recipes Application [Teste]

Steemit Recipes is an application about recipes during my journey to the world.   Steemit Recipes is an application of international recipes made ​​by Gustavo Pasquini during my journey through several countries .   Throughout the travels I will be posting typical recipes from many countries, ezotic ingredients and beautiful natural landscapes. With this application…

Ingredient of the week: Saffron

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world , more expensive than gold, as harvesting it is so laborious. Each crocus yields just three stigmas, which have to be picked by hand, dissected and air-dried. It takes up to 200 flowers to produce 1g of dried saffron, which can cost up to £10. Fortunately,…

8 Cuts Every Cook Should Know

I worked in a commercial kitchen where the size of your brunoise could cost you your job. While that type of precision is not required in your kitchen (unless Wolfgang Puck is looking over your shoulder as he once did mine), it is important to understand the difference between dice and mince, as the size…

Tomato Sauce

Sauce Tomat, better known as tomato sauce, is a French Mother Sauce based on tomatoes. This base can consist of fresh tomatoes cooked down into a liquid, canned tomatoes, tomato puree or even tomato paste. Escoffier’s Sauce Tomat Recipe Although most of the sauce recipes that I’ve been giving for the Mother Sauces yield 1…

Espagnole Sauce

Espagnole is a basic brown sauce that is one of the five mother sauces of classical cuisine. It’s also the starting point for a rich and deeply flavorful sauce called demi-glace, which is traditionally served with red meats.   Making espagnole sauce is not too different from making velouté — they’re both essentially a stock-based saucesthickened…

Velouté Sauce

Velouté (prounounced “vuh-loo-TAY”) is one of the fivemother sauces of classical cuisine, which means it’s a starting point from which a number of sauces can be made, rather than a finished sauce itself. It’s sort of like a blank coloring book — you start with the lines and shapes and then color it in any…

The Five Mother Sauces & Béchamel sauce

A Brief History of The Mother Sauces The French mother sauces were originally four base sauces set forth by Antonin Careme in the 19th century. Careme’s four original mother sauces were Allemande, Bechamel, Veloute andEspagnole. In the 20th century, Chef Auguste Escoffier demoted Allemande to a secondary sauce of Veloute, and added Sauce Tomat and…

Steemit & Vitamin Benefits

    POTASSIUM Oranges are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral is responsible for helping the heart function well. THE HEART When potassium levels get too low, you may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia. CITRUS FAMILY The genus citrus also includes other related species of oranges such as pomelo, tangerine, yuzu,…

Cucumber Kimchi Salad

While slowly fermented cabbage and pungent garlic are the ingredients most people associate with kimchi, there are dozens and dozens of other versions of Korea’s national dish, featuring all manner of vegetables, such as these quickly pickled cucumbers with just a trace of garlic. INGREDIENTS 2 pickling cucumbers 1 teaspoon kosher salt 2 cloves garlic,…

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Caramel Cups

While the Halloween classic of chocolate peanut butter cups is all fine and well, if you are looking for something a little different, and you happen to love caramel and pumpkin pie, test out these little cups of deliciousness this year! We promise you will not regret it. INGREDIENTS   Caramel Filling 1 cup packed…