The Gastronomic Journey Part.2

My name is Gustavo Pasquini, I am from São Paulo, Brazil, I am a Cuisine Chef and here is my 2 time at the Cruise Ship and I will start writing my journey  Part2 . My Frist  itinerary was in Brazil at 01/21/2017 for 3 month’s and afther I went to Spain, Italy and France…

Meat Guide – The Butcher

  Meat Guide Choosing the Best cuts for Steak Recipe Meat Guide Choosing the best cuts for steak recipes The Butcher How to choose beef properly? First, we need to keep in mind what we want to do and how the rigidity of the flesh can help or disrupt us. Stiffer cuts are ideal for…

Food & Recipes at Home

      Food & Recipes at Home About: I am Gustavo Pasquini, from São Paulo, Brazil and according to me; food is the best way to connect people with each other. My passion for healthy and delicious cooking is contagious. This was the main thought behind creating “Food & Recipes at Home”. I came…

Star Fruit Salad

Today Gustavo Pasquini brings you another of his recipes, this time a light and tasty salad with a very special ingredient, The Star Fruit. The Star Fruit is a native fruit from India, rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, but not only, it contains vitamins A, C and B complex. It is a fruit full…

1010 Food’s to Try Before You Die ”Blackberry” #03

Blackberry’s BlackBerry’ s are a very delicate fruit to be Manufacture and even to eat, it’s very hard you find but on the park’s normally you find many tree. The taste are very nice, depending with one you find the Black or the Red. The Black are more suit and the Red are not too…

Food Notes By Gustavo Pasquini

IN MY NEXT DAYS I WILL REPORT ON EVERYTHING THAT I WENT THROUGH IN MY DAY FOOD. Ideas of Recipes     Download     Poultry Ballotine Pistachios I would like to bring The Best Recipe to give you an idea to your special day.   Reports on Places Download Barcelona –  Food Notes Barcelona is the…

Culinary at Sea Part.1

The International Recipes of Arts Present some plates from my journey at the end of  Europe Season. “You cannot get an influence from the cuisine of a country if you don’t understand it. You’ve got to study it.” – Chef Ferran Adria These photos are from some of the kitchen dishes I worked on, the kitchen…

The Gastronomic Journey at the Cruise Ship

My name is Gustavo Pasquini, I am from São Paulo, Brazil, I am a Cuisine Chef and here is where I will start writing my journey on the Cruise Ship FASCIONASA .   My itinerary will begin in Brazil in 01/21/2017 for 3 month’s and then I will go to Spain, Italy and France . I…

1010 Food’s to delight your palate ”Jabuticaba” #02

Jabuticaba I am here to bring 1010 Type’s of Food’s to Try Before You Die, the Food’s will be from all the world at my Gastronomic Journey on the Cruise Ship and from my country.  The 02º Food will be a Fruit called “Jabuticaba” from Brazil and you can find just on December and January’s….

Roast Venison

Traditional Brazilian Main Course to bring exquisite recipes to your fine dining table for special ocacsions. Dish made the final day of basic cooking course at Senac Ingredients 1 back room or the back of a red brocket lard Garlic to taste Onion Lemon bay Ginger Lard goat pepper (green) Olive oil Preparation    1….

1001 Foods to Try Before Die ” Cassis ” #01

It is strange that a flavor that often now be mentioned to describe the characteristics of the best crus of Bordeaux has been so long as the poor cousin of the red and white currants. But Ribes nigrum, also called blackcurrant in Brazil, held this subordinate position to the pasado epermanece relatively rare century –…

Spicy Apple Salad

  Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Spicy Apple Salad Step By Step. Traditional Thai Recipe to bring exquisite food to your fine dining table for special ocacsions. Spicy Salads Western salads are generally served prior to mais courses. Thai salads, howerver, can be enjoyed on their own as snacks, as appetizers or…

Grilled Beef Salad

Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Grilled Beef Salad Step By Step.   Grilled Beef Salad Serves 4 Ingredients 2 Pieces Beef Sirloin, 200 g Each 3 Cucumbers, Peeled, Quartered Lengthwise and seeded, cut diagonally into slices 1/2 Cup Thinly Sliced Lemon Grass (thick bottom thirds only, outer layer discarded) 2/4 Cup Sliced…

Glass Noodle Salad

Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Glass Noodle Salad Step By Step. Traditional Thai Recipe to bring exquisite food to your fine dining table for special ocacsions.   Spicy Salads Thai salads are health- enhancing. The whole dish is packed with medicinal benefits and scrumptious mouthfeel that make us feel refreshed and energized….

Ground Pork Salad

Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Ground Pork Salad Step By Step. Traditional Thai Recipe to bring exquisite food to your fine dining table for special ocacsions.   Spicy Salads Yam, Tam and Lap are the tree major variations of Thai spicy salads inclueded in the present Post. Generally the Thai salad recipes…

Temaki with Salmon and Herbs

  Temaki here in São Paulo is one of the most famous food trend, because a large Japanese community living and practice their cultures between the Paulistas that also adapt to the japanese style food. Temaki Hot Roll was one 2nd option so I could try a Temaki with fried fish and mayonnaise. The restaurant…

Green Papaya Salad

  Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Green Papaya Salad Step By Step. Traditional Thai Recipe to bring exquisite food to your fine dining table for special ocacsions. Spicy Salads Thai Salads are intermationally recognized and love for their exceptionally robust and spicy dressing, tossed with lots of fresh or slightly cooked vegetables, herbs and…

Roasted Duck With Mushroom – Truffle Stuffing

  Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Duck Step By Step. A capon is a rooster that has been castrated which results in tender meat and a much bigger bird. A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. Truffles are ectomycorrhizal…