Duck Breast Stuffed With Foie Gras


Food Art & Techniques to make The Best Duck Breast Stuffed Step By Step.


Capitol: Bordeaux

The Aquitaine region extends out between the Amorican Plateau and the Central Plateau to the north and the east, and the Pyrenees to the south.


Landes (but also includes the Dordogne, Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne and Pyrénées-Atlantiques)



  • The Cuisine of the Sauth-Westis reputed to be one of the best France, not only because of the region´s natural resources and similar products but also the centuries- old style of cooking of it`s cooks.

  • A warm and lively agricultural region, whose local cuisine is based on goose or pork fat and walnut oil.

  • The cuisine is flavoured with shallots as well as garlic, and it is often the corn that forms an important part of the region`s dishes, as well as food for the livestock – developing the production of foie gras, conserves (preserves) such as confits and hams.


Regional Products


  • Eel, salmon, shad, lamprey, pike, carp, young eel, sardines, mullet, sea bream, Boston mackerel, oysters and carpet shell clams.


  • Chickens (yellow skinned), ducks, geese, pig and sheep.


  • Ortolan (bunting), wood pigeon, lark, woodcock, quails, thrush, ”bec-fin”, wild board.


  • Potatoes, cep (porcini) mushrooms, white and green asparagus, garlic, wheat, corn.


  • Grapes, pears, Kiwi, walnuts.


  • Smoked cheese from Barbos


  • Bordeaux, Graves, St Emilion, Medoc, Sauterne, Madiran (tannat often associated with cabernet), Jurançon and dry Jurançon (small, big and gros manseng courbu)…


  • Walnut quince, blackcurrant, Armagnac




Traditional Dishes

Foie gras, preserved duck or goose, the chaudeau (type of hot bouillon) and a bouillon based on goose organ meats, cured hams, Landais-style patatoes with Bayonne ham, escaution (corn and wheat type of polenta), garbure (hearty cabbage and bean soup), chicken in a pot.


Duck Breast Stuffed With Foie Gras, Celery Flan, Perigueux Sauce and Potatoes in Goose Fat

Serves 4

Main Ingredients

2 Duck Breasts

50 g Duck Foie Gras, Pan Seared

Salt, Pepper, 4 Spices


Green Benas Faggot

150 g Fresh Green Beans, Blanched

30 g Pancetta, Dried and Finely cut Toothpicks


Celery Flan

400 g Clery Purée, Drained

2 eggs

20 g Butter 

100 ml Cream

Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg

1/2 Carrot for decoration, Sliced and Blanched



100 ml Madeira Wine

400 ml Veal Stock

1 Truffle (20 g )

100 ml Truffle juice

15 g Butter, Cold



500 g Potatoes (waxy)

150 g Goose Fat


1 tbsp of chervil, Chopped




Duck – 10 Minutes / Oven – 200° / Duck – 45° – 54°
Potatoes & Panceta – 5 Minutes / Oven 200° 
Celery Flan – 20 Minutes /Purée – 95°


  1. Mix the puré with butter, nutmeg, add 2 eggs and 100 ml of cream, start mix, add salt, pepper and filter all this in one cife.

  2. Peel all the carrots, cut in sliced and make a circus on the center of the carrots sliced and blanched with salt and water.

  3. Add the carrots in one bol with kitchen paper, add the filter purée inside the bold and oven for 20 Minutes.

  4. Add salt on the foie gras, pepper and fry to get a color, after done you add the spices and freezer.

  5. Clean all the fat around the duck, remove the 1º skin and the tendon.

  6. Make a insigion with your knife on the center of the duck to across all the meat, cut your foie gras on deseme size of the incision and add inside of the duck, clouse and add on the freezer.

  7. Add the wine on the pot to boiling and reduce.

  8. Peel the potatoes and tourne in some shapes.

  9. After wine reduce you add the veal stock and all this boiling and reduce.

  10. Clean all the green beans and blanche with water and salt.

  11. Remove the bone from the pancetta sliced and add 4 green beans inside of the sliced and rolling, cut the board and clouse.

  12. Add salt on the duck, pepper and start fry the skin size from the duck. After take a color you add the pan on the oven with some water for 10 Minutes. After done keep for 15 minutes on the aluminic paper.

  13. The Sauce you finish you Butter and mix very Slowing.




The Gatronomic Journey

My name is Gustavo Pasquini, I am from São Paulo, Brazil, I am a Cuisine Chef and here is were I will start write my journey at the Cruise Ship FASCIONASA .



The Gatronomic Journey





The Magazine Main Course Recipes was inspired by my international travel in South America, Europe and Asia. The recipes are a collection of appetizers, main courses and desserts for special occasions.

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