Lobster ” Ál´ Armoricaine “


Traditional French Main Course to bring exquisite recipes to your fine dining table for special ocacsions.

Main Ingredients 

1 x 450g 500g lobster ( reserve dark meat ” mustard ” for the liaison)


1/4 onion cut into mirepoix

1 shallot cut into mirepoix

2 tbsp oil

30 ml cognac

80 ml white wine

150 ml fish stock

300 g tomatoes, peeled and seeded

1 tarragon sprig

salt, cayenne pepper

tomato paste (optional)


30g butter lobster roe (coral)



  1. Take the lobister and add into the hot water for 1 minute. Remouve the lobister from the water and cut the arms, remouve the skin and cut the head.

  2. all Clearne the lobister and remouve the back of the lobister and the skin, take the green part and book in the side and clearne all the head.

  3. Add the arms to boilling for 3 minutes and afther Leive on the freezer.

  4. Now take all the trymmings from the lobister and book on the side. Cut all the onions, charlot, tomato and start fraid one by one on the pan with butter.

  5. Add all the shells in one pan to fraid, add brandy, wine to flanbe and book in the side.

  6. Take the vegetable pan and add the trymings from the lobister and wait farid well, add the shells, fish stock to boilling.

  7. Now take all the lobister and cut in half all the parts, add water in the boll and clearne insaid of the lobister and DRAE in the paper.

  8. Cut the onions very well to sue on the pan with buter, buque garni, salt, pepper and tamp. all Reduce the sauce.

  9. Add oil in a hot pan, add the all the parts and lobister fraid to over cook. The lobister arms just get the color.

    Le Courdon Bleu  – Intermediate Course / French Food 


The Gastronomic Journey


My itinerary will begin in Brazil in 01/21/2017 for 3 month’s and then I will go to Spain, Italy and France . I will write all the experience in said of the ship and 1 time per Week I will be on the ground to get some pictures, videos at each city I stop. I will bring on the post at my blog typical food and the best recipes from the city’s, interesting techniques, costumed.



These books were inspired by my international travel in South America, Europe and Asia. The recipes are a collection of appetizers, main courses and desserts for special occasions.


Recipes Book`s

International Recipe’s Book Main Course

The Main Course Book is a collection of recipes based on meat fish and pork ingredients. They also include Duck, Pigeon and Veale delicacies for special moments.

Main Course Book

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